How I got 4k (UHD) on my Mac Mini Mid 2011
I have purchased my Mac Mini end of 2011. Was a pretty good deal ~550 Euro for the 2.3 GHz i5 Model . First thing I did was to upgrade the RAM. Got 8Gb from Amazon and installed the RAM… Continue Reading
I have purchased my Mac Mini end of 2011. Was a pretty good deal ~550 Euro for the 2.3 GHz i5 Model . First thing I did was to upgrade the RAM. Got 8Gb from Amazon and installed the RAM… Continue Reading
Just use MacFUSE.
I’m assuming that you installed Windows XP on 1st disk and the OSX86 on a separate disk (2nd disk) Here we go… Getting the chain0 file from your OSX86 – Put a memory stick in the PC and boot OSX86… Continue Reading
For you guys (me included) wanting better resolution on your 1024×600 netbook (Eeepc, MSI Wind, etc.) Here is a cool tip from troniu. Start Terminal and type: defaults write -g AppleDisplayScaleFactor 0.8 killall Finder And you got 20% more pixels… Continue Reading